How to Uplift Your Home During the Winter Months

Jan 20, 2022 | Blog, Homepage Pins

Following Christmas festivities, January can sometimes feel a bit of a slog. Days are darker and we often find ourselves craving some Vitamin D. So, here are our best interior design tips to bring cheer and cosiness to your interior design…

Bring the Outdoors in

Why not try an organic floral or foliage arrangement?! These work-free additions ooze artistic sophistication. Placing an arrangement in a corner which lacks energy can completely enliven a lacklustre room. Foraging for wild foliage and flowers to use gets us out doors and curating something nice to look at is that little more rewarding!

Make Cosy a Priority

In many ways winter is all about embracing the indoors. An inviting living room is paramount to relaxing. Introducing soft furnishings using fabrics such as velvet, fur, cashmere and wool is an easy way to add warmth. These elements make a room luxuriously comfortable, as well as bringing depth and dimension.

Create Your Own Light

Our days are devoid of sunshine during winter months. During your peak energy hours it’s important to simulate your own, especially if you’re working from home. A variety of split level lighting is an Interior Designer’s best tool in creating an overall comfortable yet workable mood. To eradicate that winter drowsiness, consider the strength and temperatures of your chosen light bulbs. Mirrors are also a secret weapon. Use these to bounce light by strategically positioning them opposite lamps and windows.

Dim for Relaxation

While it’s a good idea to make your own sunshine, embracing the dusky winter evenings can be nourishing and restorative. Try turning off task lighting and utilising ambient lighting instead. Using candles and lamps are a great way to curate a warm, atmospheric mood.  This is also the perfect time of day to get sensuous candles lit. Chop some kindling and light your log burner for at-home cabin ambiance.

Lit Candle Ambiance

Follow Your Nose

Engaging your senses chases away winter melancholy. Candles add plenty of ambiance visually, but data reports that smell is an incredibly emotional sense. We can influence our state of mind for the better by using cheerful fragrances. Our favourites include pine for earthy grounding, or grapefruit and orange for zestful energy. The Conwy Candle Company stock some our favourites!

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