Budgeting For Your Interior Design Project

Feb 3, 2022 | Blog, Homepage Pins

When it comes to high quality interior design, plenty of forethought is in order. With this knowledge it’s easy to understand why budgeting in order to afford a professional interior designer is worth every penny. Here are some of the best ways you can begin to budget for your dream home.

Speak to an Interior Designer

A great advantage to hiring an interior designer is their in-depth knowledge of material prices and the market in general. Make sure to understand what your financial limitations are before beginning. Your designer will have helpful suggestions for how to best utilise your budget. One of our favourites is how to curate affordable and gorgeous art. Once you’re all on the same budget wavelength, you can begin your design transformation. 

What’s Inside

There are a few essential elements to a well thought out interior design budget. You’ll want to include tradesmen’s materials and time, (known as building works). Then there’s FF&E: furniture, fixtures, and equipment, plus all moveable accessories. Additionally there are the design fees which go to the brains behind the whole operation. 

Ideal vs. Maximum

Defining your budget by using these words is beneficial. Everyone wants the best possible result. So figure out your ‘ideal’ and ‘maximum’ spend. There’s a clear difference between an amount you would ideally not exceed and then a hard maximum. They can also be aimed at specific rooms or aspects, rather than the entire project. It’s more pressing to invest in your own bedroom rather than the guest bedroom, for example.

Communication is Key

Once you’ve begun working with a designer, you’ll be presented with price points along the way. By drawing on their experience, together you can decide what is feasible. Make sure to take full advantage of these meetings so nothing comes as a shock later. Allow an extra amount of flexibility for contingency. There are often a few unexpected snags and setbacks. These are unfortunately outside of the designer’s control. Follow our guide and your interior renovation will be as calm and enchanting process as possible.

Beautiful design takes hours of planning and careful consideration. If you need assistance creating an interior design budget, see how we can help.